DIY Windscreen Repair Kits vs. Professional Service: What You Need to Know

Facing a Chipped Windscreen Again? Should You Reach for a DIY Kit or Call the Pros?

The moment a rock strikes your windscreen, leaving behind a chip, it's not just the glass that's damaged – your peace of mind takes a hit too. This all-too-familiar predicament forces drivers into a crucial decision: navigating the choice between a DIY windscreen repair kit and professional repair services. The decision you make is critical, affecting not only the windscreen's structural integrity but also the safety of all passengers.

Understanding the Basics

DIY Windscreen Repair Kits: These kits are readily available at automotive stores and online, promising a quick and inexpensive fix for chips and cracks. They typically include a resin compound that, when applied correctly, fills the damaged area to restore the windscreen's appearance and prevent further damage.

Professional Windscreen Services: Professionals use advanced resin formulas and tools to repair damage more comprehensively. They possess the expertise to assess whether a windscreen can be safely repaired or if a replacement is necessary, considering factors beyond the immediate damage.

The Pros and Cons

DIY Repair Kits:

  • Pros:
  • Cost-Effective: Generally cheaper than professional repairs.
  • Convenience: Can be done at your own time and pace, without needing to schedule a service appointment.
  • Cons:
  • Quality and Durability: The quality of the repair may not match that of a professional service, potentially leading to future issues.
  • Risk of Incorrect Application: Misapplication can worsen the damage or require a full replacement sooner.
  • No Warranty: DIY repairs typically come without the warranties or guarantees that professionals offer.

Professional Windscreen Services:

  • Pros:
  • Expertise and Experience: Professionals bring years of experience and training, ensuring repairs are performed correctly.
  • Advanced Techniques and Materials: Use of high-quality resins and state-of-the-art equipment that DIY kits cannot match.
  • Warranty and Peace of Mind: Professional repairs often come with a warranty, offering peace of mind and protection for your investment.
  • Cons:
  • Cost: Professional services are generally more expensive than DIY kits.
  • Scheduling: Requires taking the time to schedule an appointment and possibly being without your vehicle during the repair.

Making the Right Choice

The decision between a DIY repair kit and professional windscreen service is influenced by several factors, including the severity of the damage, the individual's mechanical skill level, and the potential long-term implications of the repair choice. Here, we delve deeper into these considerations to help you make an informed decision.

1. Assessing the Damage:

The first step in making the right choice is accurately assessing the damage to your windscreen. Small chips smaller than a coin and cracks less than three inches long might be suitable candidates for DIY repair. However, the location of the damage plays a crucial role; damage within the driver’s line of sight or at the edge of the windscreen can significantly affect the windscreen's structural integrity and usually requires professional attention.

2. Understanding the Limitations of DIY Kits:

DIY windscreen repair kits are designed to be user-friendly and cost-effective. They can be particularly useful for minor, superficial damage. These kits typically include a resin that, when properly applied, fills the chip or crack. Yet, the effectiveness of these kits is limited by the user's ability to follow instructions meticulously and the quality of the kit itself. It's important to recognize that a DIY repair is often a temporary solution. The resin used in DIY kits may not match the strength of the professional-grade materials, potentially leading to the need for a full replacement sooner than if professional repair had been sought initially.

3. The Professional Advantage:

Professional windscreen technicians bring experience, precision, and high-quality materials to each repair. They have access to advanced resins and tools that ensure the repair is as close to invisible as possible and restores the windscreen's structural integrity. Professionals also offer warranties on their work, providing peace of mind that is not available with DIY repairs. Furthermore, professionals can assess whether a repair or full replacement is necessary, a crucial safety consideration that might be overlooked by the untrained eye.

4. Safety and Legal Considerations:

The windscreen contributes significantly to the vehicle's overall structural strength, particularly in the event of a rollover accident. Professional repairs adhere to safety standards that DIY repairs might not meet, potentially affecting the windscreen's performance in critical situations. Additionally, driving with a windscreen that has been improperly repaired can have legal implications, including fines or failed vehicle inspections, depending on local regulations.

5. Cost vs. Quality:

While a DIY kit might seem like a cost-effective solution upfront, it's essential to consider the long-term implications. An improperly repaired windscreen could lead to further damage, requiring a more costly full replacement down the line. Investing in professional repair services ensures the job is done right the first time, potentially saving money and ensuring safety in the long run.


While the allure of saving time and money with a DIY windscreen repair kit is strong, the potential risks and downsides cannot be ignored. This is where MotorGlass steps in, offering professional windscreen services that go beyond mere repair. With MotorGlass, you're not just getting a fix; you're securing a guarantee of safety, quality, and peace of mind. In the end, the decision should prioritize the long-term integrity of your vehicle and the safety of its occupants. Remember, when it comes to automotive repairs, cutting corners can lead to a road you don't want to travel. Trust MotorGlass to keep you on the right path, ensuring your vehicle's safety with expertise and precision.